أكثر الناس حقارة هو ذلك الذي يعطيك ظهره
وأنت في أمس الحاجة إلى قبضة يده

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Some people
    Care about you, some people
    Don’t care,
    Make fun of you and walk away,
    Some people,
    Run past, some people
    Hand you presents,
    Give you a pat on the back,
    Some people
    You love, some people
    You don’t know
    Some people, some people,
    You do,
    Some people
    You notice, some people
    Eat cauliflower, some people
    Are teenagers,
    Some people walk to restaurants,
    Sit down at the counter,
    Eat there food, through it at
    Some people never notice you,
    Some people always look, some people
    Want to take you away, some people
    Will never exist
    Some people are other people; some people are you, some people
    Die ever second,
    Some people are you
